Cuppa Q&A's
Moving a loved one into residential aged care is an emotional rollercoaster. While there’s no handbook with all the answers, sometimes hearing from others who have been through it can help.
Cuppa Q&A's is hosted by Opal HealthCare, one of Australia's leading residential aged care providers. In this series of short videos, we meet families of our residents who share their different experiences, and the emotions they went through, moving their loved ones into care.
Everyone’s experience is different, but the concerns and fears are often alike. We hope by sharing these conversations, you find some comfort and clarity as you explore residential aged care.
For more resources and information on moving a loved one into care, visit
Cuppa Q&A's
The Curve Ball - when things change suddenly
What happens when your loved one’s health declines suddenly? When David’s mum lost her ability to walk overnight, he unexpectedly had to begin the process of looking for residential aged care. Like many other families, he had no idea where to start. David walks us through his experience.